10 Reasons Why I Offer Donation Based Bodywork, Healing and Coaching
Offering Donation-Based Bodywork has been a dream of mine for the past five years. I am glad that I finally get to do it. It just feels...

Quick Review of Dr. Eric Goodman’s New Book, True To Form
True to Form by Dr. Eric Goodman brings to fruition eight years of intense study on how to best approach dozens of common ailments caused by

A Great Personal Trainer in Boulder Colorado
Being a personal trainer in Boulder has been a very an enjoyable experience. Especially since I started working at CheetahFit Personal...

Healthy Benefits From My Trip to Abadiania, Brazil
Today is my last full day in Abadiania and tomorrow we will be flying back to Los Angeles, California. I am grateful that the trip is...

My 10,000th Day Alive
Today is the 10,000th day since the day I was born, back in May 4, 1988. I actually found out about this a handful weeks ago, interesting...

New Challenges and Lessons - Day 3
On December 31, 2014 I set the goal of doing my 9 Daily Health Practices every day during January 2015. Day 3 had its challenges and...

Getting Better One Day at a Time - Day 2
On December 31, 2014 I set the goal of doing my 9 Daily Health Practices every day during January 2015. Day 2 was even better than the...